
BevBright High Efficiency Beverage Filter 1 Micron

Model: MB_FIL62

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Spun poly filters are designed to use with one of our Beer and Wine Filtering Kits. Spun-polypropylene filters are disposable filters and cannot be effectively cleaned for reuse. However, you can generally filter multiple kegs with one filter cartridge. Most customers report being able to filter 10-15 gallons of product, however you should be aware that your results will vary depending on the cloudiness of your beer or wine. 5-10 micron is considered rough filtration, 3 micron will remove most yeast, 1 micron filtration will remove almost all yeast, and .45 micron is nearing sterile filtration. 

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Dimensions: N/A
Weight: 1 lbs.
Warranty: N/A
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Free Shipping: Yes


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